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Orit Willenberg & Keren Jedwab Architects & Town Planners

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Rishon Lezion Planning





Rishon Lezion Municipality

Rishon Lezion, Israel





Interior Design

Planning + Urban Design

Sustainable Design

At the time of its establishment, at the end of the 19th century, the agricultural colony of Rishon Lezion displayed a unique texture of a small community around a main street - Rothschild St.

In the 1950s and 1960s, an urban texture based on a network of streets, which thickened the old colony and turned it into a city with a continuous and active texture. Rothschild Street remained the spine, lengthening and developing to the west side.

The 1980s and 1990s were characterized by the "big leap" of the city to the west, to the "Western Dream": improved quality of housing, convenient car traffic and extensive public areas. This modern texture has found it difficult to provide the required urban qualities. The historic spine was cut off and western neighborhoods lost their “primary” identity. 

The city remained divided on both sides by the "Main path of roads and infrastructure", the spine that brings the entire country to the outskirts of the city, but preserve the disconnection and leaves the first Zionist urbanism in the east side. Between the city and the sea, there are large development spaces waiting for their turn. The connection between the city and the sea remained unclear.

The project seeks to produce a modern continuation of the city boulevard and to develop the continuation of the historic Rothschild Street as a link between the east and the west of the city. A connection which brings with him the urban qualities of the colony and the old city to the west, and being a source of identity and a focus of an active urban activity in the west of the city.

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